Smoked Meat
  "Do not eat the meat raw or cooked in water, but roast it over the fire..." -- Exodus 12:8

Monday, December 19, 2005

December 19

It was a cold wintery December night, two years ago today. I was on my way to pick up my date, and hoping the night would go well. My dating experience at this point was pretty much zilch, and so there were a few butterflies in my stomach. But at least the car was newly washed and the mats were clean. I had asked Lauren out just a couple days earlier, as we walked out of the theater after Return of the King. I'm not sure why I asked her then. Maybe I was inspired by the heroic deeds of Frodo and Aragorn, and ready to do something daring myself. Maybe it was the coaxing and teasing from Kyle, Stu, and Jason before the movie began. Whatever gave me the final push, I had decided to ask her out. Fortunately she said yes. So we ate steak at Court Avenue Brewery and drove through "Jolly Holiday Lights". We ended the evening watching White Christmas. As I drove home, I thought about what a great girl Lauren was and how much I enjoyed hanging out with her. Two years later--after dating, engagement, wedding, honeymoon, and 7 months of pregnancy I am thinking the same thing.


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