Smoked Meat
  "Do not eat the meat raw or cooked in water, but roast it over the fire..." -- Exodus 12:8

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Midweek Update

Burnt ends and tidbits of meat...

I signed up for NetFlix on Monday morning, and my first two DVDs arrived in the mail yesterday. That's pretty impressive turnaround. What were my first two selections you ask? Cinderella Man and Notorious (a 1946 Hitchcock thriller starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman).

I hope to finish it up tonight, with the all-important present for my wife. Actually, we are hoping to buy a camcorder so we'll just be getting a few small things for each other.

Christmas Vacation
Only two more days of work left and I am off for eleven consecutive days. It will be a nice break. We'll be at my parents in Boone for the weekend and hit Waterloo for a couple days before returning to Des Moines. Other items on the agenda include turning our office into a nursery, doing some reading, and hopefully watching ISU win the Houston Bowl.

Blogging #1
This is my shameless plug encouraging Tristan to re-open his blog for business. It's been too long T, and I know you're reading. By way of tribute, I offer a few classic links to his blog:

Not quite Marting Luther, but close
Roll distinctions in the grocery store
Red means "Stop". Green means "Go find a new self-esteem"

Blogging #2
I am wondering if any of my many and various family members are reading this via the MyFamily site? If so, I'm thinking a few of them need to start blogs of their own. I'm thinking Katy could give us a nice look into Nashville life. Uncle Danny has his investing advice. And of course my Dad has the Apple angle covered.


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