Smoked Meat
  "Do not eat the meat raw or cooked in water, but roast it over the fire..." -- Exodus 12:8

Monday, February 05, 2007


Once again, it's tough to be Chicago sports fan. There will be no "Super Bowl Shuffle" this year. In the second half the Colts showed poise and determination while the Bears floundered about in the rain. Turnovers and no pass rush were the losing combination for Chicago.

As Sun-Times columnist Jay Mariotti wrote, "In the end, the difference between winning a championship and becoming one of those quickly forgotten runners-up was that the Bears tried to convince us they have a real quarterback when the smart people knew they do not."

A bit harsh, but hard to argue with after yesterday's loss.



Blogger Mrs.A said...

If you are needeing a little comfort, check out the youtube of the original Super Bowl Shuffle at The Reluctant Puritan. Scroll down about 3 or 4 posts.

2:25 PM  

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